Notion 101

Task management has never been so fun.

May 28, 2024
Notion 101
Notion 101

Organization is a make it or break it in measuring a company’s success rate. Coming in second is collaboration. Healthy and creative work environments almost always yields stronger results, directly affecting a company’s reputation and retention rate. That is why it is important that all organizations have a space where these two principles can cohesively live together. Luckily, there is a fantastic application that offers just that.

Initially released in 2016, Notion is a task management and note-taking application that offers both free and premium services. As Notion has grown and evolved, the application includes several features that allow users to create workflows and collaborate with colleagues and clients. Notion is a great tool to utilize in your organization as it provides an optimal space for both creation and task management. Employees and clients can track the progress of a project or access supporting materials. 

Also included on the project page are tasks. Tasks are individual assignments within a project that are assigned to a team or individual. Tasks are organized into three categories: Not started, in progress and completed. Tasks can be further organized based on low, medium or high priority. Allowing clients to check in on the status of tasks or overall project establishes genuine transparency. This also shows the client that you are taking their work and time seriously as you have a cohesive and organized workflow that displays where each piece of the project is in terms of completion. On an internal level, Notion’s task management system can help employees to efficiently and effectively manage multiple projects. For example, if an employee is working on three different projects with differing deadlines, they can then organize their tasks based on priority.  

Notion’s strongest feature is its ability to track tasks within a project and share their status with team and/or clients. In Notion, organizations can create specific pages for each of their projects. These project pages can then be shared with their employees and clients. On the project page, an organization can list information such as meeting notes, project documents as well as links to schedule a meeting. This is a fantastic feature to utilize as the projects pages can be organized into a short term ‘webpage’ where you and your employees can make equal progress on each project as well as dedicating the same effort on each task. 

Notion is also a great tool for colleagues and stakeholders to utilize in their workflow. Beyond being a note taking tool, Notion allows users to embed endless features. For example, a team has the ability to embed a spreadsheet directly into their notes that anyone with access can edit. If the spreadsheet has already been created, then it can be exported from its original source and uploaded into the Notion Spreadsheet. Notion also offers features that allow users to embed calendars, videos, maps, projects from design softwares such as InVision and development projects from programs such as CodePen. 

The most important takeaway from Notion is its versatility. Beyond task management, it is a fantastic communication and collaboration tool. With the ability to integrate different applications and databases, organizations can optimize their workflow and take it to the next level. This is very important in today’s working world. With many employees working remotely, communication and collaboration can sometimes be difficult or stifled. With Notion’s informal notepad and endless communication options, employees can feel more confident about explaining their ideas or position when it comes time to collaborate. Working in Notion also removes the confines that come along with other communication platforms. It is a program that truly prioritizes creativity and welcomes iteration. 

In comparison to competing services, Notion is difficult to beat. As explained above, Notion is a versatile software that offers endless communication options. While video conferencing is not included at this point, Notion is still an extremely strong option to go with as the features it lacks in are made up for in countless other ways. Beyond features, Notion is a great tool to utilize for optimizing a workflow and creating an easily accessible medium where clients can track their project in detail and effortlessly collaborate with your organization. 

If your organization is looking for an innovative multitasking and collaborating tool, look no further. Employing Notion in your workflow will ensure that your organization stays on top of project deadlines at every point of its lifecycle. More importantly, Notion’s intuitive note-taking and collaboration space will help your organization to foster stronger collaboration and bolster creativity- guaranteeing a more positive working environment which will in turn yield stronger results for your organization overall.

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