Slack 101

A communication platform that makes collaboration effortless.

May 28, 2024
Slack 101
Slack 101

Communication is critical. However, in as remote work becomes more common, it can sometimes feel difficult to achieve a constructive dialogue that meets a specific goal. Luckily, there are communication platforms offered that help to foster effective communication. Specifically though, one platform taking communication to the next level, offering services and features that will optimize communication across the board for any organization.

Launched in 2013, Slack is a cloud-based team communication platform that allows individuals to collaborate and communicate with each other via instant messaging, video calling and direct messaging. Slack is a fantastic platform to utilize throughout the course of a project as it provides secure, dependable and organized communication lines. Overall, Slack is a great tool for organizations to utilize as the program’s tools and resources help to create a strong communication system for any workflow.

With Slack, communication is effortless as all chats and direct messages are organized within channels. Channels organize conversations based on projects, teams and departments within a company or organization. This also allows for optimal and effective communication when managing several projects simultaneously. For example, if a team within a company has been tasked with completing a multilayered web development project with a long timeline, the team can organize their group chats on the projects into specific sections within the channels. Maybe one chat in the channel is utilized for discussion surrounding the design of the website while another channel is used for the purpose of delivering and receiving feedback on the copy for the website. As exhibited above, channels are a powerful tool that can help to streamline the communication side of a workflow to be easily accessible and digestible.

Slack also prides itself on being a more secure line of communication over email. Unlike email, Slack is not susceptible to spam or phishing- both of which are more likely to cause data breaches. Slack handles can also not be put on a mailing list. The only individuals that are able to contact users are those within the same organization as them or trusted partners via Slack Connect. This feature is extremely valuable as it ensures that confidential information is safely secured with the utmost protection. Utilizing Slack also helps to garner trust when communicating with clients or stakeholders. When pitching your organization to a potential client, this is a very important feature to mention to them as it shows them that your communication is organized, secure and streamlined on one platform. 

Another fantastic feature of Slack is the program’s ability to integrate other apps. This allows users to streamline their workflow by connecting their other tools to one platform. Slack offers app integration for programs such as Google Drive, Office 365, Salesforce, OneDrive and Zoom. For example, if an organization connects their Google Drive account to their slack, then employees will be able to access and edit information stored in Google Drive from Slack. This is an extremely effective feature as it helps Slack users to quickly share docs, spreadsheets and slides with their team. 

Slack takes communication to the next level by offering ‘huddles’. Introduced as an informal and alternative option to video conferences, huddles are spontaneous calls that are best utilized for fostering communication. Huddles work very similarly to conference calls (attendees have the ability to share their screens, send chats on the side, etc.) However, huddles are useful as they can be created and organized effortlessly without having to go through the process of scheduling a video conference. For example, if a team is chatting back and forth in a channel about a project, they can quickly organize a huddle to optimize the conversation and communicate more effectively.

Slack also offers collaboration features. Slack Canvas is a tool that can also be utilized for brainstorming and content creation with stakeholders and colleagues. In Slack Canvas, colleagues and their stakeholders can collaborate in one workspace and curate content via Slack’s automated workflow. This is a great way for organizations to streamline their workflow and complete projects more efficiently and effectively. More importantly, it creates a space where stakeholders and clients can easily access their project and effortlessly collaborate. Introducing this feature to your stakeholders can also have indirect benefits. By allowing stakeholders and clients to be included more deeply in the collaboration process, the stakeholder and/or client will have more trust in your organization and its workflow. 

In comparison to competing communication platforms, Slack is one of the best resources that your company can choose for ensuring optimal and organized communication across all levels. From secure messaging to enhanced collaboration tools, Slack provides a communication experience that will have both direct and indirect benefits to your organization.

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